
Global Change Biology:中国农田N2O排放增长放缓|研究

土壤观察 2021-04-27

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北京大学城市与环境学院周丰副教授团队使用全球农田N2O通量观测数据、基于全国调查更新的氮肥和灌溉数据以及改进的非线性模型,重新估计了1990年至2014年中国农田N2O排放量。相关结果发表于Global Change Biology(IF=8.88)。


北京大学城市与环境学院周丰副教授团队使用全球农田N2O通量观测数据、基于全国调查更新的氮肥和灌溉数据以及改进的非线性模型,重新估计了1990年至2014年中国农田N2O排放量。相关结果发表于Global Change Biology(IF=8.88)。第一作者为硕士生尚子吟。


China has experienced rapid agricultural development over recent decades, accompanied by increased fertilizer consumption in croplands, yet the trend and drivers of the associated nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions remain uncertain. The primary sources of this uncertainty are the coarse spatial variation of activity data and the incomplete model representation of N2O emissions in response to agricultural management. Here we provide new data‐driven estimates of cropland N2O emissions across China in 1990‐2014, compiled using a global cropland‐N2O flux observation dataset, nationwide survey‐based reconstruction of N‐fertilization and irrigation, and an updated nonlinear model. In addition, we have evaluated the drivers behind changing cropland N2O patterns using an index decomposition analysis approach. We find that China's annual cropland‐N2O emissions increased on average by 11.2 Gg N yr−2(P < 0.001) from 1990 to 2003, after which emissions plateaued until 2014 (2.8 Gg N yr−2, P = 0.02), consistent with the output from an ensemble of process‐based terrestrial biosphere models (TBMs). The slowdown of the increase in cropland‐N2O emissions after 2003 was pervasive across two thirds of China's sowing areas. This change was mainly driven by the nationwide reduction of N‐fertilizer applied per area, partially due to the prevalence of nationwide technological adoptions. This reduction has almost offset the N2O emissions induced by policy‐driven expansion of sowing areas, particularly in the Northeast Plain and the lower Yangtze River Basin. Our results underline the importance of high‐resolution activity data and adoption of nonlinear model of N2O emission for capturing cropland‐N2O emission changes. Improving the representation of policy interventions is also recommended for future projections.

近几十年来,中国农业发展迅速,农田化肥消耗增加,但与之相关的一氧化二氮(N2O)排放的趋势和驱动因素仍不确定。这种不确定性的主要来源是空间变化动态数据的粗糙和响应农业管理措施的N2O排放模型的不完全。本文使用全球农田N2O通量观测数据、基于全国调查更新的氮肥和灌溉数据以及改进的非线性模型,重新估计了1990年至2014年中国农田N2O排放量。此外,本文使用指数分解分析方法评估了农田N2O排放模式变化背后的驱动因素。结果显示,从1990年到2003年,中国农田的N2O年排放量平均增加了11.2 Gg N yr−2(P < 0.001),之后的排放增加量趋于稳定(2.8 Gg N yr−2,P = 0.02)直到2014年,这与基于过程的陆地生物圈模型(TBMs)的输出结果一致。2003年以后,中国2/3播种面积的农田N2O排放量的增长速度有所放缓。造成这一变化的主要原因是全国范围内每个地区氮肥使用量的减少,部分原因是全国范围内技术应用的普及。这一减少几乎抵消了政策推动带来的播种面积扩大所导致的N2O排放,尤其是在东北平原和长江下游流域。本研究的结果强调了高分辨率动态数据和采用非线性N2O排放模型对获取农田N2O排放变化的重要性。研究还建议在今后的预测中增加政策干预的影响。

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